Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2012 -- seeds of change

In 2009, a few of us experimented with format and crew development. We completed programs for 6 non-profit/community organizations. The intiative was then interrupted by the evolution of WPAA into a media center (new building/location); and the crew was distracted by the creation of studioW (which is now a Piece Theatre project) and general skills retooling.
In 2010 there was an program development idea mentioned here about discovering our local farms with the storyline of Farming remains a cornerstone in Wallingford, Connecticut as it links the past to the future. (This idea has some footage, but no product.)
In 2011, the OTPG Free Speech Week documentary video did get 1st place kudoes at ACM NE. We also used 2009 footage for some PSAs and did a follow-up project with Seniors Have Dreams, Too and continued to re-tool.
In 2012, we are restarting OTPG but not as the program with that name.  A local production crew will use this name OnTheParadeGround name and the spirit it implies partnering with local resources to produce content that features localism that makes a difference one person at a time.
Today I found the 2010 story line here on the website of a local farm. So this farmer and some other content experts are being invited to making TV again on Mondays. I hope that by telling Wallingford stories and having informed conversations with locals who are passionate about sustainable food systems I will be just one individual that can begin a positive food story of my own. Posted by the remaining crew person - adele.

1 comment:

Volunteers Making Community TV said...

Original About Me:
This blog is partnered with a Community Access TV program productions done by a volunteer crew using this name.

The crew supports creation of programs focused on civic conversations among people living and working in Wallingford.

The volunteer OtPG Crew facilitate the sharing of stories that inform opinion, provide useful information and entertain.

This is a non-commercial program produced by a volunteer crew.

The Crew: New members welcome. Qualification: Wallingford resident interested in conversation informed by images and the desire to approach stories with a sense of discovery that can lead to identification of what people have in common and create a healthier sense of community.