Thursday, December 15, 2011

RecipEtc for AGRItude

RecipEtc [res-uh-pees]: Several methods to attain success with ingredients, directions and knowledgeable variations

AGRItude: A positive awareness and attitude about food and the systems that provide food.

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2012 Project: Develop a regularly scheduled community media program that provides timely, quality amplification of what at is already being done independently in the area of better food choices and sustainable local farming. Food is at the core of building relationships and there are many mini-stories that can be informing and done with video
Goal: create a make a difference Community TV program that
  1. can help anyone and everyone in Wallingford (and beyond)
  2. demonstrates the value of this under (nearly unused) community resource of Community TV
  3. has inter-generational participation in food stories and TV production
  4. gives back to participants more than what they contribute (good-will, awareness, community service credit for HS students, internships for College students)
  5. builds community around a powerful idea - sustainable food systems through informed food choices
Needed: AGRItude Coaches 
local people with expertise & passion for farming & food topics whose informing conversations can help others make better choices about food; and meaningful connections between farming, gardening, food, health, environment and community.
The tools for making TV are available to Wallingford residents at WPAA-TV 28 So. Orchard St. for free; but Community TV is about more than how to use a camera or edit a video; it is about passion. It takes passion about an idea, and interest in sharing opinions and expertise that makes for good content. 

If you are interested in participating in this project send note to

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2012 -- seeds of change

In 2009, a few of us experimented with format and crew development. We completed programs for 6 non-profit/community organizations. The intiative was then interrupted by the evolution of WPAA into a media center (new building/location); and the crew was distracted by the creation of studioW (which is now a Piece Theatre project) and general skills retooling.
In 2010 there was an program development idea mentioned here about discovering our local farms with the storyline of Farming remains a cornerstone in Wallingford, Connecticut as it links the past to the future. (This idea has some footage, but no product.)
In 2011, the OTPG Free Speech Week documentary video did get 1st place kudoes at ACM NE. We also used 2009 footage for some PSAs and did a follow-up project with Seniors Have Dreams, Too and continued to re-tool.
In 2012, we are restarting OTPG but not as the program with that name.  A local production crew will use this name OnTheParadeGround name and the spirit it implies partnering with local resources to produce content that features localism that makes a difference one person at a time.
Today I found the 2010 story line here on the website of a local farm. So this farmer and some other content experts are being invited to making TV again on Mondays. I hope that by telling Wallingford stories and having informed conversations with locals who are passionate about sustainable food systems I will be just one individual that can begin a positive food story of my own. Posted by the remaining crew person - adele.